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Grants and Scholarships


CCF is launching a new approach to grantmaking in 2025! We have a new staff member solely devoted to grants—Whitney Stout, Grants Manager; a committee of new reviewers from across Charlotte County, chaired by Board Secretary JoAnn Tompkins; and a pilot program for general operating support grants! 

March 2025 marks the launch of a pilot program for unrestricted grants, based on organization staff and budget size. A simple online application allows nonprofits to apply for $80,000 in total grants for general operating support: $35,000 for 7 awards of $5,000 each; $30,000 for 10 awards of $3,000 each; and $15,000 for 10 awards of $1,500. Grantees will be determined based on organizational strength in finances, leadership, and programs.

Read more on the Grants page and apply now! The application is open March 7-31, 2025.

Volunteer as a Grants Reviewer

Volunteer as a Grants Reviewer

CCF wants to have a team of volunteers – community members from across Charlotte County with different views and perspectives – to serve on a new Grants Review Committee led by Board Secretary and longtime Charlotte County resident JoAnn Tompkins.

In-person training will be provided to reviewers on the online grants system. All reviewers will be required to submit conflict of interest and confidentiality disclosure forms. Please let us know your interest in serving your community in this time-limited but critical capacity!

Contact Grants Manager Whitney Stout for more details:


The 2025-26 scholarship cycle is now closed. Stay tuned for more information on recipients in May 2025. 

Board member and longtime Charlotte Country Public Schools (CCPS) Education Leader Deelynn Bennett chaired a new Scholarships Committee along with new CCF Scholarship Coordinator Carolyn Gorton, also a seasoned educator and longtime Charlotte County Resident.

Charlotte Community Foundation
